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Smile Makeover

What is Smile Makeover?

A smile makeover is a cosmetic dentistry designed to improve the appearance of your smile through various procedures such as:

  • Teeth veneers,

  • Teeth implants,

  • Teeth whitening &

  • Invisalign. 


Smile Makeover can be customized as per your expectations. Any dental imperfections like tooth dis-coloration, missing or crooked teeth or broken teeth can be cured through one or more smile makeover procedures. 


Smile Makeover

When is Smile Makeover Required?


If you are not happy with your smile, you tend to become less social. A Beautiful smile boosts up your confidence.


Your smile makes you interact with others easily. It reflects your positive emotions and can have good impact on others in your daily life. 


Smile Makeover can fix many dental problems like missing teeth, spacing between your teeth, uneven teeth, discolored teeth, mal-aligned teeth & cracked or chipped teeth. 

Procedure for Smile Makeover

Procedure for Smile Makeover is different for every patient: 


1. Invisalign 

Here a set of Invisalign trays makes them more discreet than braces and are more comfortable than metal braces. They can align your teeth in about a year. 


2. Bonding

Composite bonding is used to shape your teeth and thus improves the appearance of your teeth. It can solve the problem of chipped teeth. The resin bonds firmly with your tooth to make it safe and strong.


3. Whitening

It bleaches yellowish teeth to make them lighter in shade but it is not a great option for brown or grey colored teeth. 

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4. Crowns

They can correct many dental problems like: hold a dental bridge together, cover misshaped teeth or extremely discolored teeth. They also make the tooth stronger. 


5. Veneers

They are customized shells made out of very thin, strong layer of porcelain. Veneers cover up chipped teeth & also reshape too large or too small tooth. 

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6. Implants

Dental Implants are done in case of one or more missing teeth. Titanium post is inserted in your jaw, on which a customized crown is placed. One implant can cover several teeth in a row. 


7. Laser Dentistry 

This dental cosmetic modification is used to improve a gummy smile. It is also used to speed up teeth whitening procedure. 

Precautions Post Smile Makeover


Smile Makeover is a cosmetic dentistry procedure which requires a patient to follow a few steps to maintain a beautiful smile: 


  • Avoid food containing high sugar to prevent cavities & beverages like tea/coffee should be consumed less to have a stain free smile. 

  • Avoid chewing / biting on hard objects like pen, pencils, bottle caps etc. 

  • Use nightguard to avoid damage to your restoration and your teeth. 

  • It requires regular maintenance and good oral hygiene like brushing and flossing. 

  •  Porcelain veneers may break off and may need replacement.

  • Teeth whitening must be repeated after sometime to maintain brightness. 

  • Crowns may need replacement after 10-15 years. 

  • Composite bonding may stain and require replacement. 

  • Improvement of gummy smile may need enhancement after certain time. 

  • Follow the post-treatment instructions given by your dentist to maintain long term beauty of your smile makeover. 

Looking for Smile Makeover?

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