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Preventive Dentistry

What are Preventive Dentistry?

Preventive dentistry is a dental care that focuses on maintaining good oral health. It includes developing good dental habits like brushing and flossing along with regular check-ups.


Preventive dentistry help you avoid dental problems like gingivitis, decay, cavities, periodontitis & enamel loss. 


These dental problems in a long way can make you face the secondary health related problems like respiratory disease, diabetes or heart disease.


Preventive Dentistry involves oral care at home by the individual and in-office treatments by dental professionals. 

Preventive Dentistry

Procedure for Preventive Dentistry

Oral Care at home:


  1. Cleaning: You can keep your gums & teeth healthy by practicing good oral hygiene at home. Brushing, flossing and mouth rinse will keep you away from costly dental treatments. 

  2. Diet: A balanced diet is essential. Calcium deficient diet can cause periodontal disease while food rich in carbohydrate will produce dental plaque. 

  3. Avoid Smoking: Chewing tobacco & smoking can cause gum diseases & even oral cancer. 

  4. Dental Visit: Regular dental check-ups every 6 months can protect you from severe oral diseases. Form a habit of visiting your dentist as a preventive measure to avoid future risk.

  5. Awareness: Person should be aware of oral hygiene habits to ensure longevity of teeth and gums 


In-Office Treatments:


  1. Professional teeth cleaning: We help to remove stain, dental plaque, tartar to thoroughly clean your mouth. 

  2. Dental Sealants: It is a coating applied on chewing teeth to prevent food particles trapped inside. 

  3. Fluoride: At home fluoride toothpaste & mouth rinse can be used as fluoride strengthen teeth & prevents tooth decay. Dental offices also provide fluoride treatments. 

  4. Orthodontics: It includes clear teeth aligners or braces to avoid future dental problems. 

  5. Mouth Guards: They are worn during sports activity to protect your teeth and mouth. They are customized by your dentist.

Advantages of Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dentistry is all about taking care of your dental health to avoid serious problems in future. It is quiet advantageous in many ways. 


1. Prevent Bad Breath

Bad breath is a sign of infection or tooth decay. Regular cleaning & any of preventive measures can eliminate this problem. 


2. Prevent Cavities & Gum Diseases

Dentists clean your teeth to remove plaque & even apply sealants to prevent cavities. Fluoride treatment helps to avoid gum diseases.


3. Prevent Serious Health Problems

Poor oral hygiene can make bacteria to get into blood stream & can cause serious health issues like heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes or even cancer. 

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4. Improve your Appearance & Smile

Having clean teeth can help you maintain your attractive smile which is beneficial to boost your confidence & create good impression.


5. Prevent Mouth Injuries

Dentist can prescribe a customized mouth guard which will protect your teeth and mouth from injuries in sports, accidents etc. 

Tips for Preventive Dentistry?

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